Below are the original documents including the tally tapes (from the ballot scanner(s)) and hand count forms (used to count any ballots that cannot be scanned) returned from the bipartisan election officer teams at the polling place. They are returned under seal and opened by a review team who verify the precinct results against those reported to the official results on the Virginia Department of Elections website. These documents are then immediately scanned so they are available for public viewing.
Gainesville Special Election
February 21, 2023
Tally Tapes Hand Count Forms
Absentee Mail Voting Hand Count
Early Voting (no Hand Count needed)
404 Unity Braxton (no Hand Count needed)
413 Reagan Hand Count
414 Seymour (no Hand Count needed)
Central Absentee - Post Election Hand Count
Election Notes
Precincts 402 and 407 used two scanners while the remaining precincts had or used only one.
The original ballots printed for this election were approx. 1/16” inch too wide to fit into the ballot scanners.
As soon as the office was notified, the Chief Officers at each precinct and our office staff at the main office adjusted and pivoted to reprint correctly-sized ballots to use for the election.
The few ballots that were unable to scan in the early hours of the day, were securely collected and hand-counted at the end of the night as part of final reporting procedures. Most precincts only received 2-5 of these before the replacement ballots were printed and delivered. Some received none.
For those precincts that conducted hand counts, you can find the supplemental hand count forms in the "Hand Count Forms" column.